Wednesday, September 22, 2010

escaping reality, 2010

“this part of the country makes me relax really fast.”  -dad

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picking out my lunch, still alive.


no longer alive.  ready to be consumed


the aftermath.

the lobster pound is a unique experience, one that everyone should experience before they die.  I had lobster several times this weekend, but none was as authentic as seeing it wiggle around, meet its fate in a pot of boiling water and then dipping it in butter.  oh, divine.

incredible food, shopping, reading, naps, ocean kayaking, running, and all without children.  

next year can’t come fast enough.


The Hunt's said...

amen giraffe.

from hippo.

Tutz said...

Great memories! ps. your mom looks really OLD. Don't put pictures of her on your blog anymore.

Scrap Happy said...

I forgot K was pregnant. How bad did she beat you running?? : )

Croslands said...

that's a tradition worth keeping. what a beautiful place to run and race.
And what's that crazy Tutz talking about. Your mom looks great.

Aunt Debi said...

Looks beautiful to me too, but just the relaxing, shopping and eating - not the running!

Michelle Burk said...

I'm with Debi--and I agree with Dad, it is a relaxing beautiful place.

The Hansen's said...

What a fantastic trip! One day...seeing that beauty is on my bucket list for sure! I love love that pic of you and Denton, it is beautiful! I love K's number on her cute little belly and that lobster is making me salavate just looking at it! Yum-O!