Wednesday, September 1, 2010

this is why you have girls.

seneca ballet

the anticipation for dance class was just too much.  man, I love this little girl!

seneca ballet2


tenacious d said...


Croslands said...

Seriously she is delicious. I can't wait for recital pictures next year. That will be a hoot.

Anonymous said...

Amen. I LOVE this about my girl (though we go the Irish Dance route.)

Scrap Happy said...

kisssssssss those cheeks

Deanna said...

totally cute! I love it!

Michelle Burk said...

Yes, yes it is. And love every minute of it. I wish there was some way to make them stop growing!

Tutz said...

Excitement and anticipation written all over her face!! SOOO precious. Even her hair pulled back like a true ballerina. Can't wait to see more of this.

Joni said...

She is such a little doll!

Annika said...

What a darling photo! Hope she has a ball!

Lindsey said...

She is getting so big and just adorable as a little ballerina. So cute!