Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cooper is six!


Last night I was telling Coop about my day six years ago:  When I thought I was ready to have a baby, we got into the car in New York and dad kept taking one-way streets because we didn’t really know how to drive to the hospital.  I was having contractions that hurt, but we kept laughing because we were in a rush and couldn’t get anywhere.  They gave me a special bed at the hospital and after a while there was a little problem so I had to go to surgery to get you out of my tummy.  The doctor lifted you up and at first I thought you had reddish hair!  You were so dang cute, I loved you to pieces. 

Six years later you are more than I ever dreamed of having in a child.  It is for sure that Heavenly Father wanted you to come first to our family and that you have an important job being the oldest child.  You are smart and motivated.  You are clever and funny.  You like music, art, soccer and swimming.  You like playing games and riding your bike.  You work well with a schedule and a list.  You enjoy being outside.  You enjoy your siblings and are generally very sweet and playful with them.  You are sensitive and have a tendency to worry, but you also have a testimony that your Heavenly Father hears your prayers and that if you ask Him for something, He will hear you.  You know you have a great army of angels with you and you call on them periodically for assistance.  You are kind and a good example at school.  I miss you when you’re gone and am always anxious to see you round the corner at the end of the street when you get off the bus.  You are happy and full of light.  You are going to make one amazing six-year-old!  And yes, if you keep eating your vegetables and getting all that sleep at night, you are going to keep growing and I am NOT ok with that!!  I love you, Coop. 

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Annika said...

Gosh, I can't believe he is 6! I hope he had a wonderful birthday!!! October birthdays are simply the best!

eryka said...

Happy Birthday Cooper!

Unknown said...

I'm with you...the growing thing is NOT OK!!! What a cutie! So big. Happy Birthday big guy!!!

The Silly Witch said...

What a great kids Miracle Baby #1 is growing to be. I love him from afar, and I'm so glad you have your blog so I can know him.

DaNae said...

Cutie pie! Looks like the next tri-athlete in the family.