Friday, March 4, 2011

would you like to know how I really feel?

about the school carnival? I've actually hoped that the crazy that was my week would filter right into tonight so I could avoid it with valid excuse. It's been in the back of my head all week sticking it's tongue out at me taunting me with the fact that I was not going to get out of it.

So truth? I'm so excited to give valuable money to a school I do not fully support at an event with masses of loud and dirty children and pay for disgusting treats and junk that are not necessary while playing ridiculous carnival games. yes, that's the truth.

But what do I say? Oh, the carnival is tonight? You won 10 free tickets with your great behavior? That's awesome! Of course we're going, it will be great! Call your dad, make sure he'll be home, he won't want to miss this! Oh Senny, I hope you can finish your dinner because I take kids to the carnival who eat their dinner, and you do not want to miss the carnival! (I was secretly praying she wouldn't finish so I could stay home with her and send the boys with dad. bummer, she ate every bite).

So we're off and I'm so excited for the blessings I'm earning for this one. It's got to count for something.

** post edit: it wasn't terrible. the kids had a good time for the most part. the obstacle course was by far the best part. beckham getting whacked in the face with a metal bar was not so great. I suppose I just felt grumpy about going, but it was nice to be all together after such a hectic week.


Tutz said...

AB, shame on you. You loved the school carnivals when you were in elementry school. It's a fun outing for the kids with their friends. It's not for the parents. Go and win a cake in the cake walk. Remember you won first place for your decorated M&M cake??
Go, smile and eat garbage. It's only once a year.

The Silly Witch said...

I feel like we're living parallel lives sometimes. The preschool auction was tonight, and tomorrow the carnival. Oh joy! And I didn't donate to the class basket this year. Whoops. The only difference is that my kids will be the dirty kids with dirt under their fingernails and breakfast on their shirts.

Scrap Happy said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA It's about time you joined the club of having to attend school evernts. I still have three stinkin' goldfish from our fall carnival that WON'T DIE.

Michelle Burk said...

Don't worry, next year when you're the PTA President your perspective will be completely different and you'll be posting about the importance of parent involvement in the public school system. Just wait, you'll see.