Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Grade… and a new school


This is my way-too-big first-grader.  Who had a pretty good day at a brand-new school.  A school I have prayed about and wanted for him so badly and thought impossible as the waiting list was long and not moving.  Monday I got a phone call letting me know there was a spot for him.  We went right over to get him registered and that night went to meet his new teacher and take a look around the school.  He was a little apprehensive seeing as this is not where he thought he would be all summer.  This was not the familiar, the one with friends… but I took it as a good sign Monday evening when he didn’t want to leave.  He wanted to “just keep walking, explore a little more.”  This school has an amazing energy about it, I didn’t blame him for wanting to just be there.  This school requires sacrifice for most in our family.  It’s a further drive, more time in the car for the littles, more gas, more strategic planning on my part to get everyone where they need to on time.  And if this experience turns out how I believe it will, it will be completely worth it.  I was so grateful for the feelings I have had this week as compared to how I felt this time last year.  The sinking feeling in my stomach has not been present, the feeling of dread about where I am sending my little boy for 6.5 hours a day… gone.  I am so excited for him and the great environment he gets to be a part of.  

But he’s still getting too big too fast.  We walked in to meet his teacher and she said, “you’re really tall for a first-grader!”  He just smiled.  I love this kid like mad and hope with everything I have that he has an amazing school year.  We’re off to a good start seeing as he spent 45 minutes with his book right after school.

And just for Gram… look!  the tooth finally came out!! 



Debi said...

Coop is sure a keeper. You will miss his help playing with the kids during the day. I'm sure they will miss him too. He is a darling young man.

Katelyn & Wade said...

I can't believe he's in first grade. Just can't believe it. It seems like a crime.

Amy said...

I am calling you for details immediately!!! So glad you found something you love!

Tutz said...

Coop, did you yank it out or, did it come out when you were eating? You have the perfect look for a first grader! I am so excited for you! I need a letter telling me all about your class, teacher, the school, the cute girls, everything! Can't wait to hear all about school!!

Chante said...

We miss Cooper!! Ava looked for his desk Monday during meet the teacher and didn't find it, so I assumed he got in to the other school. We will have to for sure get them together to play this year since they won't be seeing each other on a daily basis. Glad Cooper got in to where you wanted him, though!