Wednesday, January 4, 2012

the good kind.

Today has been one of those days.  Not those days, the good kind.  The kind where laundry actually gets folded and put away, the kind where the not-fun-but-essential phone calls get taken care of.  After school learning time consisted of the little ones doing matching and pattern games while Coop worked on a puzzle of the United States.  I put pasta sauce together then we all went out to enjoy 80 degrees in January.  We took a long walk (me) and bike ride (them) and enjoyed short sleeves and gorgeous weather.  When we got home I laid on the couch for an hour intending to pick up my book but my eyes just closed.  I listened to matchbox cars racing around makeshift tracks and little imaginations lost in their own world.  I was approached occasionally to fix the star wars ship or get sleeping beauty’s thumb through her sleeve, but mostly I just laid there and listened, drifting in and out of consciousness.  and smelling yummy sauce brewing.  There may have been the occasional whiney voice, but it didn’t last and the little brother made a good decision to not step on the big brother’s puzzle again.  But mostly it was wonderful and I was grateful.  Grateful that I have these kids and that I like them.  Grateful they like each other and can play together without the tv or the wii or any electronic distractions.  Dinner will be delicious, my nose tells me so, then we’ll read new books and head to bed and I just may find my book until D walks in around 8:30.  There are things I could ask for, but if I’m being real, I’ve got it pretty good. 

Have I told you yet that this is going to be an amazing year?  it is.  I promise. 


The Silly Witch said...

Yes. An amazing year. I love looking forward. I love dreaming and creating my own bright future.

Kristi said...

These days are magical. I almost hate sending my older two to school every day wishing they could stay home and just be together, entertaining Ely and his imagination. He seems to get rather bored with mom after a short time.

Amy @ Ink'd said...

Love these days & so happy you got one this day. Really. Those are the days that make motherhood worth all the late nights & back talking kiddos! haha. :)