Monday, February 13, 2012

photo (15)

My grandparents came to visit this weekend.  Grandpa kept Beckham occupied and quiet all through sacrament meeting, which was blessing number one.  We enjoyed church and lunch with them and then they played with Seneca and Bex while D and I took Coop to a special fireside to learn about baptism and scouting, which all happens this year!  Love these two and am so glad they had time to spend with us.  Retirement looks good on them!


Katelyn & Wade said...

well that's fun!

Partridge Family said...

Wow! I can't believe how much your Grandpa looks like your Dad. Both incredible men.

Jenny said...

Awww, I love your grandparents! They look about the same as they did when I was a kid. Must be the clean living. :)

Annika said...

Pretty sure retirement would look absolutely amazing on me!...just sayin.