Sunday, February 26, 2012

On Sunday, I love…

- a bishop who listens carefully to the spirit and isn’t afraid to be bold. he encourages vulnerability and courage and I trust that Heavenly Father has shaped him to be the leader of our ward for this particular time.

- a ward who brings a wide variety of life experience, talents and strengths into one large and close family. especially when family isn’t close, it’s nice to feel that many people would have my back if needed.

- primary kids who are attentive and engaged and who know their songs! as I spent four weeks teaching “choose the right,” today it paid off listening to them sing with strength and conviction. they are so eager to learn and while I know they don’t understand everything they are singing, hearing them sing down the hall at church or in the parking lot makes me believe something is sticking.

- ward choir. our choir gives me the opportunity to associate and build relationships with people who I don’t otherwise come into contact with during my week. they are in different stages of life and our paths don’t often cross, but that one hour a week is so fun as we struggle through new music, work it over and make it into something that brings a spirit none of us can deny. I am grateful for this time to develop a talent that I enjoy and that does not get any of my time otherwise. I am grateful for Denten who handles lunch with the kids each Sunday without complaining so I can fill my cup in this way.

- sunday afternoons. I value my sunday nap, no doubt. but I also value the time spent lounging in the family room together, or in the backyard. sunday is when D has time to put on his mitt and play catch with cooper, or shoot hoops with beckham and senny. sunday is when we hang out the kitchen and catch up and make treats and recharge. we have fhe sunday nights and the kids keep us on track as they know exactly what part they are responsible for.

- the scent of orange blossoms. Oh, heavenly.

- D is home to help with bedtime. need I say more?

Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when He gave us sundays.


Emily said...

;) Our Sundays are very different, but I love that you love yours and I wouldn't have mine any other way. Today I had one of my two Sunday naps for the year! Thank heavens for Stake Conference!

Emily Malinka said...

I haven't read your blog in awhile and it was fun to catch up, get all the inner thoughts out of you... fun to have such a great family just across the street!