Friday, August 3, 2012

Aunt Marge


My dear great Aunt Marge passed away this week and was reunited with Uncle George.  I have many fond childhood memories of the two of them seeing as they served as an additional set of grandparents in my life. 

She always had a dish of candy, most commonly lemon drops.  She taught me how to take a thorn off a rose stem, lick it and stick it on my nose like a rhinoceros.  She let me wear her precious jewels and try on her high heels.  She thought my husband was very, very handsome the first time she met him and told me again each time I would see her.  Mostly she just loved me.  She took an interest in my life and was focused on our conversation whenever I was there.  She even forgave me for driving her car into her garage door.  See?  She was special.  I’m grateful she is comfortable again and that her mind is at peace.  Many props to G&G who took care of her these last few years.  Saints.  Peaks Circle is full of saints.  Love you, Aunt Marge.  I’m adding you to my angel list, I’m certain you’ll be good one.



Debi said...

Aunt Marge sure lived a good, long life. She was a sweetie. I'm sorry to hear she passed but a bit happy for her that she gets a nice new body. She always seemed to have a young spirit.

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Sandi said...

Now I know how you got to be such a great person. What a wonderful lady to have in your life.

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